11 July 2007

11 July

Added one ad to sofa and sofas each. Easy Sofa Shopping headline watching ctr.

09 July 2007

9th of July

Sofa campaign: Paused 2 ads with Microfiber language and dropped bid to .31 from .34. Decision was based on conversion info for the last thirty days.

Sofas campaign: Paused 1 ad singular sofa language based on last thirty day's conversions. Dropped bid from .32 to .29

03 July 2007

2nd and 3rd of July

Yesterday I tinkered with the sectionals campaign in Google. I paused two ads that were getting low returns and clicks in the sectional group and dropped the price on both sectional and sectionals.

Sectional went .33 to .29
Sectionals went .36 to .33

the positions dropped a bit but that's ok because the click through stayed fairly high.

Today - 03-July-2007, I dropped the sofa bid from .36 to .34. The position has been holding around the high sixes. The conversions were good so I'm trying to see if we can squeeze a little more conversion out of the lower positions. The ad spend percent yesterday was around 14, it was 13 the day before.


01 July 2007

July 01 Updates

Dropped the sofas bid in Google from .38 to .31.

Paused three ads in Yahoo sofas campaign.

29 June 2007

Yahoo Sofas

Yesterday I dropped the price on sofas from .37 to .34. The position held around 2.8. I dropped the price again to .31 to see if we can get the position around 4.

20 June 2007

Raft of Changes

Tonight's post is a review of the changes made to the campaign yesterday. I had spent some time looking at the new analytics page because the climb in bounce rate has been bugging me. It hasn't been dramatic but it isn't where I'd like it. I'd rather that it was lower than 20% for the index and the Overall both. Especially the overall, because it is an indication that the bounce rate on advertising is much higher.

So anyway taking a peek at the bounce rates on specific ad URLs revealed that the index page gets a much better response than the landing pages, and microfiber in the text gets a slightly better conversion rate. So, two pluses right off the bat.

Also, while poking around in the bounce rate area, I found that the first photo in the gallery was getting a 70% bounce rate so I swapped it for the second image that was getting a 13% bounce rate. There may be a couple of forces at play on this one. It could be that the people just immediately start clicking the arrow buttons to see the next picture, which would contribute to the high bounce rate, or it could be the download time for the picture. Either way I decided to try the second picture. I like the text in the second picture because it seems more homey to me. The load time thought made me think that perhaps my first Ajax app should be the photo gallery.

I would like to tinker with some different colors as well. I really like the colors in the fabric sample pack and would like to try tying the photo gallery, fabric gallery and sample pack together. The studio shots that we're working on and the site revamp is very exciting. I'm looking forward to some new colors and a new feel.

19 January 2007

The Changes

The furniture bid in Google went down to .19 from .23 and the new All the Sofas ads were taken out for click through and conversion reasons.

The yahoo furniture bid was dropped to .21 from .23